Netflix has dropped a brand new trailer for their upcoming high school romance anime series ‘Blue Box’, which is Kouji Miura’s original manga series...
A brand new trailer has dropped for the next Madoka Magica movie called ‘Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Walpurgisnacht Rising’, which excited but...
Crunchyroll’s Japanese Idol Anime, English subtilted, movie ‘Trapezium’ is preparing to hit theaters in the United States on September 18th before releasing in France...
Game Publisher Aniplex along with developers Too Kyo Games and Media.Vision have officially announced that the new adventure/strategy RPG entitled ‘The Hundred Line: Last...
Nippon Ichi Software has dropped a brand new debut trailer, along with more information and screenshots, for their recently announced strategy RPG game ‘Phantom...
Konami has officially announced that ‘Professional Baseball Spirits 2024-2025’ will officially arrive for Playstation 5 and PC, via Steam, in Japan later this year...
Development studio Ouka Studios has officially announced that their brand new title ‘Visions of Mana’ will make it’s global arrival on Playstation 5, Xbox...
Arc System Works has officially announced their first television anime series based on the ‘Guilty Gear’ franchise called ‘Guilty Gear Strive: Dual Rulers’, which...
Dragami Games has officially announced that their highly anticipated action-adventure title ‘Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP‘ will officially make it’s arrival on Playstation 5, Xbox Series, Nintendo...
Skip CIty International D-Cinema Festival are set to celebrate their 21st anniversary and this year’s festival which is located in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture,...
Haruichi Furudate’s volleyball-themed sports manga ‘Haikyu!!’ is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first episode of their television anime adaptation which aired a decade...
Netflix has officially added Makoto Shinkai’s film ‘Suzume’ (Suzume no Tojimari) to it’s streaming platform which will provide access to the film for viewers...
Weird Beluga Studios has officially released a brand new trailer for their new adventure game ‘Duskfade’ which is reminding many of Kingdom Hearts, and...