Netflix has dropped a brand new trailer for their upcoming high school romance anime series ‘Blue Box’, which is Kouji Miura’s original manga series...
Haruichi Furudate’s volleyball-themed sports manga ‘Haikyu!!’ is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first episode of their television anime adaptation which aired a decade...
A brand new trailer has dropped for the next Madoka Magica movie called ‘Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Walpurgisnacht Rising’, which excited but...
Konami has officially announced that ‘Professional Baseball Spirits 2024-2025’ will officially arrive for Playstation 5 and PC, via Steam, in Japan later this year...
Kadokawa has officially announced that Nujima’s Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi manga will be getting a television anime, and also dropped a brand new promotional trailer,...
Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese television show produced by Gainax and animated by Tatsunoko. We are familiar with Neon Genesis Evangelion shows that...