Netflix has dropped a brand new trailer for their upcoming high school romance anime series ‘Blue Box’, which is Kouji Miura’s original manga series...
Haruichi Furudate’s volleyball-themed sports manga ‘Haikyu!!’ is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first episode of their television anime adaptation which aired a decade...
A brand new trailer has dropped for the next Madoka Magica movie called ‘Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Walpurgisnacht Rising’, which excited but...
Konami has officially announced that ‘Professional Baseball Spirits 2024-2025’ will officially arrive for Playstation 5 and PC, via Steam, in Japan later this year...
In the eleventh episode of “Spy x Family,” titled “Stella,” Loid worries about Anya’s continued poor academic performance and his seemingly impossible task of...
Inspired by the Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihito Tsukushi, ‘Made in Abyss’ is a science fiction fantasy anime. The show revolves...
Based on the Japanese manga series written by Riichiro Inagaki, ‘Dr. Stone: Ryuusui’ is a special episode that bridges the second and third installments...
Netflix has gradually expanded its capabilities as a producer and international distributor of Japanese animation in recent years. Netflix’s “Yasuke” is one such example....