Netflix has dropped a brand new trailer for their upcoming high school romance anime series ‘Blue Box’, which is Kouji Miura’s original manga series...
A brand new trailer has dropped for the next Madoka Magica movie called ‘Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Walpurgisnacht Rising’, which excited but...
Crunchyroll’s Japanese Idol Anime, English subtilted, movie ‘Trapezium’ is preparing to hit theaters in the United States on September 18th before releasing in France...
Game Publisher Aniplex along with developers Too Kyo Games and Media.Vision have officially announced that the new adventure/strategy RPG entitled ‘The Hundred Line: Last...
Weird Beluga Studios has officially released a brand new trailer for their new adventure game ‘Duskfade’ which is reminding many of Kingdom Hearts, and...
Canadian indie game studio Little Guy Games has officially announced that their atmospheric and evocative adventure game ‘Endless Night: Jake’s Odyssey’ and has explained...
Humble Games and Squid Shock Studios have officially announced that their hand-drawn, 2.5D action platformer ‘Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus’ will officially arrive...
Emberstorm Entertainment, in collaboration with publisher Fireshine Games, is promising gamers a one-of-a-kind adventure with their upcoming title ‘Reka’, a beautifully designed game that...
Swedish game studio Pounce Light is getting set to unveil their new building game called ‘Tiny Glade’ which promises both serenity and creativity. The...
Travi Team Games has officially unveiled their upcoming analog horror game Unknown Tapes which has drawn inspiration from analog videos of Jurassic Park, and...
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist, the sequel to Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights from publisher Binary Haze Interactive and independent game studios Adglobe and Live...