Arc System Works has officially announced their first television anime series based on the ‘Guilty Gear’ franchise called ‘Guilty Gear Strive: Dual Rulers’, which is currently being produced by SAZINGEN, according to Gematsu.
Per the report, this is the announced staff for the anime:
- Based on Guilty Gear: Created by Arc System Works
- Original Character Designs by: Daisuke Ishiwatari (Arc System Works)
- Directed by: Shigeru Morikawa
- Series Composition: Norimitsu Kaiho
- Associate Producer: Seiji Mizushima
- Animation Production: SANZIGEN Inc.
- Presented by: ASW / Project GUILTY GEAR STRIVE DR
A stage event is scheduled for Anime Expo 2024 and will feature Norimitsu Kaiho and Seiji Mizushima. The expo runs from July 4th through July 7th and you can visit their official website right here for more information.